On Saturday morning last His Lordship, the Bishop of the Diocese, Charles Perry, held a confirmation at Christ Church, when twenty-six persons, principally adults, were confirmed.
The ceremony was a highly interesting one, and was performed in the presence of a very large number of persons. A sermon was afterwards preached by the Bishop, his subject, of course, having direct reference to the ordinance of Confirmation.
On the following morning, (Sunday) after the regular church service, the Venerable the Archdeacon, Dr. Hussey Burgh Macartney, presented to His Lordship, Mr. Bloomfield for deacon's orders, and Mr. Bean and Mr. Braim for priest's orders. The usual church formula having been gone through, and the necessary oaths administered, the ordination was formally announced. The church was densely crowded during the whole of the service, by members of the various religious congregations in Geelong.
Church service was read in the evening by the Rev. Mr. Braim, his reading being at once clear, distinct, and effective. The sermon was read by the Bishop, his subject being the doctrine of the Trinity. The attendance was very great.